Week 2, lesson 4 Phoneme "m" and Grapheme "m" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

English Resource Description
In the second week's fourth phonics lesson for Phase 2, the focus is on introducing and practising the phoneme "m" and its corresponding grapheme "m". The lesson begins with an introduction where the sound and letter are presented to the students. This foundational step is crucial for the children to recognise and become familiar with both the sound and the visual representation of the letter "m". The lesson is structured to ensure that the students can navigate back to the menu at any point, allowing for a flexible learning pace and the opportunity to revisit content as needed.
The lesson continues with a revisiting phase, where students are encouraged to recall and articulate the sounds for the cardinal directions: north, east, south, and west. This helps to reinforce their phonemic awareness and prepares them for the new phoneme. In the teaching phase, the lesson progresses to more focused learning on the "m" sound and letter. Students are then given the chance to practise what they have learned through activities designed to reinforce their understanding and correct pronunciation. The lesson concludes with an application phase where students can demonstrate their grasp of the phoneme "m" and the grapheme "m", ensuring they can connect the sound to the letter in various contexts. The structure of the lesson is designed to be interactive and iterative, with a clear end point that signifies the completion of the lesson.